Dead Wax

US | PS | Chernarus & Livonia | Dead Wax | Hardcore Winter Survival PVE | rrt6s3gRyC

Storozhshank Redemption

"The Storozhshank Redemption"

Play across two servers as your favorite DayZ character in "The Storozhshank Redemption"! Our Chernarus and Livonia servers are integrated for increased role-playing immersion as one complete experience. Start out around Storozh, Chernarus, as your favorite Storozhshank character on our winter snow map as an ex-inmate on a quest to find your friend in Dolnik, Livonia. One Discord and KillFeed system for a centralized community and economy.

Quest: Find your friend in Dolnik, Livonia!

Find books at five village pubs to receive $35,000 in Discord money and whitelisting to our summer Livonia server. The quest buildings have survival supplies that respawn at reset and are located in or around:

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